Tuesday, 15 July 2008


"Mrmr says:
top or bottom?
P.A. says:
Top. And hello to you to!!
Mrmr says:
sorry. hi.
Mrmr says:
i’m bottom. where r u?
P.A. says:
Mrmr says:
do u have other pics?
P.A. says:
Mrmr says:
i like what i see!!! how old r u?
P.A. says:
Mrmr says:
hmmmmm…. hot spanish bear!!! other stats?
P.A. says:
First of all, I’m not Spanish
Mrmr says:
u said u live in Madrid
P.A. says:
1,80m, 100k, shaved head, beard, brown eyes, hairy, top
P.A. says:
I live in Madrid but I’m Portuguese. Came here to live 4 years ago.
Mrmr says:
P.A. says:
For work
Mrmr says:
what do u do?
P.A. says:
I’m a make up artist
Mrmr says:
Mrmr says:
i’m going to madrid next week. wanna fuck?
P.A. says:
P.A. says:
With my bf!!!
Mrmr says:
u have a boyfriend?
P.A. says:
Yeap! Guess you forgot to ask that one!
Mrmr says:
Mrmr says:
can’t u get away for a quick shag?
P.A. says:
I live with him
P.A. says:
And either you’re joe d’alessandro or I stick to my man
Mrmr says:
P.A. says:
Mrmr says:
u wanna fuck or not?
P.A. says:
I have a boyfriend!!!!!!
Mrmr says:
P.A. says:
Fucking hell!!! It means no!!!!
Mrmr says:
fuck you!"

Some people just don't ask the right questions!!


Zeek said...

Z says: oi gajo bom
Z says: dd tc?


Wazzub said...

Hello there Dear P.A.,

Vim até aqui ao principiozinho para deixar o meu primeiro "olá". Quem é amigo, quem é? ;)

P.A. said...

O menino é um querido! Benvindo ao meu cantinho.
Agora ja sabe um bocadinho mais de mim. O seu é que continua um mistério!

Espero que tenha gostado do resto!
